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And That's a Wrap!


It's official, I am 55 years old and I have 55 pieces of art done!

Thank you everyone for your amazing support. There were days when I thought "What have I done? Who am I fooling ... argh." But with all of your kind and supportive comments, calls, emails and texts I just couldn't quit and let you down. It took awhile, but I gained some confidence, made up for lost time, and finished. Like I said in my original project statement, I do not promise 55 works of brilliance, but instead, I aim for this display to show the path, struggles, and successes of an artist.

You are all invited to be part of this journey.

Opening reception October 1, 7pm. Food & bar!

P.S. If you are out-of-towners and need another reason to come to Wallowa County, Oregon's Alpenfest is happening the same weekend in Joseph.

18 commentaires

31 août 2022

Happy belated birthday, Joan! What a beautiful poster for such an amazing accomplishment. Can't wait for the exhibition!


30 août 2022

You are such a brilliant, creative human. I’m so proud of you! I can’t wait to be there. Happy birthday and congratulation!!! xoxo Kelly Murray


30 août 2022

It’s incredible what you have accomplished. We are so excited for the show! -stacy


Heidi Weeden
Heidi Weeden
30 août 2022

I wish we could make it but New Mexico awaits! I know your show will be fantastic!


29 août 2022

Happy 55! Congratulations. Knew you'd complete this project. Can't wait to see your creations in person so I can say you rocked it!

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