Made a couple of trips on Tuesday to bring artwork to Josephy Center. Wednesday, had a great group of people to help. Steve and DJ hung panels while I unwrapped all the art. Steve helped me lay out art on the floor where we thought it best should go. Gallery owner, Catherine came in and fine tuned our choices. Then Dawn and Brea (and Brea's tiny hammer) hung everything on the walls and panels. All I had left to do on Thursday was place the labels and tidy up. It is just crazy to see everything up and looking like a real art show. Saturday, party time!
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2025! Need a Service Cat for That?
My daughter has a cute little black kitty with a teeny white patch on her chest. Adopted during Covid, Jetta provided needed company and...

Gift Ideas 2024
That latest addition to my Wally the Wallowa Lake Monster Merch is a 25-page activity book aimed at ages 6-9. Released for tourist...

Back in the early 2000’s I was at a children’s book conference and one of the presenters showed Harry Potter book covers produced by...
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Been thinking of you all day (Saturday). Hope you had a blast and soaked up all kinds of well deserved accolades!
Your show will be fantastic! Enjoy!
Can't wait for the party!
Congratulations on all your blood, sweat and tears to finalize your art projects. Enjoy the fruits of your labor at your opening, wish I could be there.
Hey there Big Sis. So happy for you and all you have accomplished in these 55 years! I wish I could be there to see it. Please post pics when you get a chance and know that Mom, Dad, and I are there with you in spirit tomorrow. Have a great show! Here’s to another 55 years. LOL. AJ.