Wow. I could not ask for anything more from this past weekend and the show reception. Seeing local friends and those from afar, my kids and family, co-workers from a previous life, college professors, and many others from my younger days. To add to the joy, I sold more art than I could have imagined. It was truly a magical weekend and I feel very blessed. Thank you ALL!
Side show:
You are wonderful... and so is the show. We are delighted to now have works of yours. Stewart and I left at 8, and I'm sure 80% of your paintings and other media pieces were sold by then. Congratulations!
Your show was spectacular and your talent is...well, I don't have words to describe that. We actually went to the gallery Monday before heading back to Boise so we could see it all again without the crowd. Thanks for your time, talent, hard work and determination--mostly the talent part. We're all richer being able to enjoy the results. You're incredible.
love you, sarah
WOW is right! Congratulations From Big Sky Country!